Fasun Wong 參加撒哈拉沙漠250公里 為慈善機構 [極地同行] 籌款
HK$ 25000
支持Fasun Wong挑戰撒哈拉250KM為極地同行籌款
捐款最低限額 (港幣):$100.00
這正正是 ACT 及 ZillionCrew 的Go Crazy Mentality,我們相信人生應該充滿冒險和挑戰,透過冒險,我們才能真正體驗生活的豐富和美好。
Fasun是一位對探索人生充滿熱情的Crew Leader。不僅熱愛挑戰自己,還熱衷於為社會服務。在過去的幾年裡,她參與了眾多義務活動,包括維樂天Variety Youth Development Mentorship Program、SSGC Mentorship Program 和 Green Power港島行50KM 籌款活動。此外,她還參與了 Inez Leong 主辦的義捐義賣籌款活動,為流浪貓狗提供服務的阿棍屋籌款。
她不僅致力於慈善活動,還同幾位愛跑之人創立了Fun Run Club – Hyrunners。我們相信運動不僅能增強身體素質,還能培養團隊合作和堅持不懈的精神。除了跑步,潛水和滑雪也是我們Zillion Crew喜愛的運動項目之一,因為它們讓我們能夠與大自然相連,挑戰極限,並且享受活在當下的自由。
現在,我們即將準備接受一項新的挑戰 – 撒哈拉沙漠馬拉松 250KM。這是一場為期七天的考驗,我們將挑戰極限,超越自我。更希望能夠籍著這次活動,籌集資金,支持「極地同行」那些需要幫助的人。
#TheCrewAdventure #GoCrazy
#BeTheChange #GetTheDreamDone
attribute | donation |
- 1. 輸入捐款金額(HKD)- Enter the donation amount (HKD).
- 2. 按下結帳按鈕 – Click the checkout button.
- 3. 輸入個人資料及打氣留言 – Enter personal information and an encouraging message.
- 4. 下滑,輸入信用卡資料並確認捐款 – Scroll down and enter credit card information and Confirm the donation.
“Life is extraordinary, it begins with adventure!”
This is exactly the “Go Crazy Mentality” of ACT and ZillionCrew. We believe that life should be filled with adventure and challenges. Through adventure, we can truly experience the richness and beauty of life.
Fasun is a Crew Leader who is passionate about exploring life. She not only loves challenging herself but is also dedicated to serving the community. Over the past few years, she has participated in numerous volunteer activities, including the Variety Youth Development Mentorship Program, SSGC Mentorship Program, ACCA Charity Day Trishaw Event, and Green Power Hong Kong Island Walk 50KM Fundraising Event. In addition, she has also taken part in fundraising events organized by Inez Leong to provide services for stray cats and dogs at the organisation House of Joy and Mercy. Due to her love for pets, in recent years she has adopted two large dogs, and she is greatly satisfied to be able to take both furry companions to the mountains and the sea to enjoy their freedom.
She is not only committed to charity work but has also co-founded the Fun Run Club – Hyrunners with a few fellow running enthusiasts. She is actively promoting a fitness culture in the office as well. We believe that sports not only enhance physical fitness but also cultivate teamwork and perseverance. Apart from running, diving and skiing are also among the favorite sports for our Zillion Crew because they allow us to connect with nature, challenge our limits, and enjoy the freedom of living in the present moment.
Now, we are preparing to take on a new challenge – the Sahara Desert Marathon 250KM. This is a seven-day test where we will push our limits and surpass ourselves. We hope that through this event, we can raise funds to support those in need through the “Wheel For Oneness” program.
We sincerely invite you to join our fundraising event. Your donation will be used to improve the integration of people with disabilities and help those who are not accustomed to socializing to enter the community. It will encourage them to actively utilize their strengths, interact and learn from people from all walks of life, and collectively serve the society!
Whether it’s a small donation or a word of blessing, it will be a support and encouragement to our team! It will also bring hope and change to those who need help.
Thank you for your support and let life begin with adventure!
Let’s spread of vision
“Enriching the lives of the people we touch“ 🌊
這正正是 ACT 及 ZillionCrew 的Go Crazy Mentality,我們相信人生應該充滿冒險和挑戰,透過冒險,我們才能真正體驗生活的豐富和美好。
Fasun 是一位對探索人生充滿熱情的Crew Leader。不僅熱愛挑戰自己,還熱衷於為社會服務。在過去的幾年裡,她參與了眾多義務活動,包括維樂天Variety Youth Development Mentorship Program、SSGC Mentorship Program、ACCA公益關愛日人力車活動、Green Power港島行50KM 籌款活動。此外,她還參與了 Inez Leong 主辦的義捐義賣籌款活動,為流浪貓狗提供服務的阿棍屋籌款。由於對於寵物的熱愛,近年她更領養了兩隻大狗,可以同兩小毛孩上山下海享受自由都好大滿足。
她不僅致力於慈善活動,還同幾位愛跑之人創立了Fun Run Club – Hyrunners,同時亦積極推動辦公室 Fitness 文化,我們相信運動不僅能增強身體素質,還能培養團隊合作和堅持不懈的精神。除了跑步,潛水和滑雪也是我們Zillion Crew喜愛的運動項目之一,因為它們讓我們能夠與大自然相連,挑戰極限,並且享受活在當下的自由。
現在,我們即將準備接受一項新的挑戰 – 撒哈拉沙漠馬拉松 250KM。這是一場為期七天的考驗,我們將挑戰極限,超越自我。跟希望能夠籍著這次活動,籌集資金,支持「極地同行」那些需要幫助的人。
讓我們可以繼續 our vision
“Enrich the lives of the people we touch“ 🌊
#TheCrewAdventure #GoCrazy
#BeTheChange #GetTheDreamDone
#TheCrewAdventure #GoCrazy
#BeTheChange #GetTheDreamDone