捐款支持:極地同航 x 極地同行 | 挑戰健力士世界紀錄 2024

捐款最低限額 (港幣):$50.00


Three people, three flights, thirty-nine hours, one cause : 人生極地同飛行

Two students from Harrow Hong Kong will be bringing a disabled member along an arduous 39-hour journey in October 2024, flying around the world in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the Fastest Circumnavigation by Scheduled Flights.  The trio will be flying from Hong Kong to Vancouver to Frankfurt and back to Hong Kong, navigating through busy airports along the way to put the cooperation between able and disabled bodies to the test.

By attempting this world record, the group hope to raise awareness for barrier-free flying so that travel becomes accessible to all people, able or disabled.

We need your support and cheer, so help us reach our goals by donating here!

